
Children's rehabilitation

The auditory comprehensive intervention training system corrects auditory processing disorders and stimulates brain activity by allowing trainees to listen to modulated music, thereby improving auditory disorders, behavioral disorders, and emotional disorders. It is used for training and rehabilitation of a series of developmental behavioral disorders such as autism, learning disabilities, emotional disorders, mental retardation, and ADHD caused by auditory processing disorders

The auditory comprehensive intervention training system corrects auditory processing disorders and stimulates brain activity by allowing trainees to listen to modulated music, thereby improving auditory disorders, behavioral disorders, and emotional disorders. It is used for training and rehabilitation of a series of developmental behavioral disorders such as autism, learning disabilities, emotional disorders, mental retardation, and ADHD caused by auditory processing disorders


乾安县| 临沧市| 西青区| 甘孜| 郑州市| 九江市| 仲巴县| 蒙山县| 双牌县| 贵阳市| 定日县| 平江县| 迭部县| 安顺市| 山丹县| 昭通市| 达拉特旗| 志丹县| 阳西县| 东源县| 佳木斯市| 八宿县| 永泰县| 舒兰市| 泉州市| 临澧县| 吴江市| 陆河县| 尼木县| 清水河县| 苏尼特左旗| 象州县| 巴青县| 天峻县| 云阳县| 佛教| 炎陵县| 贡嘎县| 宁武县| 浦江县| 呼图壁县|